Dear Elsie:

[The first in a series of letters for my daughter. Or for you, if you’re on the search for a mom.]

Weather, DNA, whether or not your joke lands on the crowd - none of those things are controllable. There are so many variables to simply living that the inability to herd them one way or the other can be insufferable.

If I teach one thing while I’m on this side of heaven, it’s that you can choose to pour into whomever you want, and ultimately, it’s not your influence - negatively or positively - if they choose to make a change.

What can you control? 

Your character.

Choosing to jump off the bridge, but double checking the bungee cord first.

Doing the work by wading through your emotions so you can be a healthier version of you on the other side.

Not carrying  the weight of baggage or perceptions from others. 

How you show up for your people.

Your voice and how you use it to speak on behalf of those who can’t.

You have an opportunity to create a wonderful life. And while I hope and pray you’ll draw the green of obstacles and roadblocks, the odds are you’ll be dealt a few cards you’d rather not play.

But you’ll play them strategically and gracefully and because of that I know you’ll do just fine.


Brooke Clay Taylor

By day, Brooke has the work ethic of a farm hand and the creative brain of a big agency, and loves blending the two to help tell the story of small town, America to the masses.

By night and by weekend, Brooke has adventures on her mind. From kayaking to sipping champagne in a new city, adventures feed her creativity and give her a sense of home.

Official Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Collab


Cancer and a newborn: what’s it like?