Elsie James is ONE: her #SwipeUp #Influencer Photoshoot

Elsie James is the light of July 22. She entered the world in the midst of uncertainty. Her mama was six hours removed from a cancer diagnosis and the first year of her life was undoubtedly a wild ride.

With enough doctors appointments under her belt to complete her first year of residency, Elsie is the star of her mama’s year of cancer fightin’.

When we tell her about this year, we’ll tell her about the nurses, and doctors, whisking her out of her carrier during appointments just to snuggle. We’ll tell her about those who bent the rules so she could sit in the treatment area when her mama was having a tough day. And about schedulers who called and asked for “Elsie James’ mom.”

And, if we’re practicing full transparency, we’ll tell her how she was the best hype girl for post-chemo, post-surgery, post-everything naps. Naps on naps on naps. Sleep when the baby sleeps or sleep when the cancer patient sleeps? Either way you slice it, it’s a win-win scenerio.

Our sweet girl is giving us a run for our money. Cuttin’ teeth at 4 months, saying words a little early, and sprinting like a papaw on her first birthday.

While she has mama, bubba, wow, baby, papaw, and uh-oh under her belt, she saved dada for the week before turning one.

She scales everything. She jumps into the lake sans fear. She eats like all the food like a linebacker with a D1 meal plan.

She’s our best girl, hands down.

Today is about you, sweet girl. Today is all about you.

We’re going to eat your favorite breakfast foods while having a living room picnic. And hit up the local splash pad. And chase it with a ride around Lake Tenkiller.

Because it’s your day, man. And we’re going to do all the things.

I’m not sure how we would have conquered this year without you, sweet girl.

You were a million silver linings all wrapped in one.

Photoshoot details:

Photographer: Stacy Pearce Creative
Threads: Cat & Jack sale rack at Target
Boots: Gifted from Macie Bean Boots following the Cowgirls With Cancer fundraiser.
Cake: Picked up from Reasor’s following a text exchange with Stacy … “I think I just purchased a mermaid swimsuit … let’s do the mermaid cake.”
Bow: gifted from someone after the #KByeCancer announcement

Brooke Clay Taylor

By day, Brooke has the work ethic of a farm hand and the creative brain of a big agency, and loves blending the two to help tell the story of small town, America to the masses.

By night and by weekend, Brooke has adventures on her mind. From kayaking to sipping champagne in a new city, adventures feed her creativity and give her a sense of home.


One Year After a Cancer Diagnosis


Navigating Motherhood and Breast Cancer with Breast Cancer Healthline